Tuesday, December 8, 2009

cheek cells and flourescent DNA

today was ok
a bit tiring
but at least we did'nt water plants
we went down to the 1st year students' lab
to join them for lecture and practical
on metosis and meiosis
i know
sounds weird
but very cool
it is actually about the division to cells
and you know the terms in Twilight?
the ones bella and edward say when they had biology?
those are used in metosis and meiosis
like prophase and anaphase and metaphase and telophase!
and then the we did the extraction of DNA from our cheeck cells
something like the bannana thing we did in Life Sciences this year
but with lesser steps
the only sick thing was that
we had to bite softly on our cheek over and over again
and then spit lots and lots of our own saliva containing the cells into the tube
and it was sticky when we handled it
i spit the most
and then after we got our DNA
we coloured the ethanol with colours
so i mixed purple and blue
and it came out a very nice shade of blue
and my DNA looks like an iceberg in the ocean!
we also help to put the pipette tips into the containers
that means that we put every single one into the hole in the container
so fun!
then we went to POPULAR and had lunch at the foodcourt
i got a colourbase file for myself!
but also guilty
after that we went to join the aqua culture students
in this super chic classroom cum lab thing
very nice
the roller stools and cupboards are like red
and everything else is like white
and the projecter screen comes down on its own
and so does this screen thing that blocks out the sun that is coming through the glass walls
we were supposed to disect fish
but sadly we could'nt
but we watched a super long video
and i felt so so so so so sleepy
cos it went on and on
eventhough they actually show you how they do it
then we went to the lab
with the tanks
and saw all the fish
then we went back up to the tissue culture lab to do
the DAPI stain experiment
it is like super cool
we stain the DNA of animal cells
and the flouresed under UV light
how cool is that?

so like now i am so bored
and my mum wants me to to go for flagday by MRT
i am wearing my GB uniform leh!
so weird
i walk into the MRT
and surely everyone will be looking at me like
what on earth?!

but today there's SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE on AXN!
they are so good!
but i am not going to bother to watch SINGAPORE IDOL
so weird
i don't really care
just hope it is a GIRL this time

and i got my class tee!
quite nice lah
cos i have'nt had anything like that before
so very good to me liao

and i have been bugging my mum to buy MISO for me
very nice and easy to make you know!
it is like
just boil hot water and then add the MISO paste according to preference
and then voila!~
you have MISO ready to enjoy!
i just hope she remembers cos she can be super forgetful
i sound so Home Econs-ish

i'm very happy too!
cos like this whole month is combined service in church
that means i get to go out with my family for lunch after church
let me explain why i am so happy
when some of you do that all the time
i used to do that too
but since i join youth i only finish at like 2 plus
and then everytime first week of the month
which is combined
like something will pop up EVERYTIME
like worship practice or GNK or usher or dance
so many commitments
and i have GNK duty EVERYWEEK
and it seems that i am bound for life!
so i go super early with no breakfast what so ever
and come home like 5 plus cos by the time i get to the MRT
and wait and board and then take bus
i am super late
and tired out
and i would be so hungry cos i would not have eaten my lunch
so i will eat cold tabao food alone at home at 5 plus
so now cos my dance prac is over
cos performance is on this sat!(oh no!)
i can all the time in the world to go out with my family!!!!!!!!
there's this sense of LIBERATION
like you feel like shouting to the air
countdown to dance: 3 more days!!!!!!!

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