Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm valuable cos i am loved by GOD

for not posting last 2 days
very busy lah

so on friday
i went to church
for last rehearsal
and it was okay lah
but i don't know many people there
so a bit awkward lor!
but it was okay
i had to dance alone
cos eugenia was not there
so weird
then the little kids started to play and dance with the tamborine!
so nice you know
it is not just like playing it to the beat only leh
it is like got moves and like rhythms they play
don't play play ok!
very good
i was so impressed
wish GNK got this kind of thing
only chinese service can think of such nice things!
yixin and yasmin were like naturals
the other 2 could'nt keep up lah
so they look abit extra lor
so i only went back at about 9 plus

then on sat
it was big performance day!
so ike i arrived and did one run through
but i like mind block halfway
and stayed in that dance position longer than
i actually was supposed to lah
so like
so embarrass lor
and you know what?!
everyone in the chinese service that was involved couldn't believe that
i was related to my mum
cos they thought i was somebody else's daughter!
they keep saying my mum so 'nian qing'
and everyone was so surprise
one after another
like first someone will ask my mum
whether it is real that i am her daughter
then my mum will be like of course!
and then they will be like really?!
i don't believe!
you so young your daughter so big?!
then my mum will be like it is true lah!
then they be like haha wah... you use what? SK2 ah? so nian qing
and then they will be like so surprised and shocked and bewildered!
over and over again
let me list:
first is Pastor Edmund
then his wife yayi (sorry if spell wrongly)
then was um the lady at the computer i forgot her name celine or something like that lah
then was the drummer lady
then was chen qiang and his wife
and got somemore lah
just cannot remember
so the dance went well i guess
cos there was lesser people like watching so
was less nerve-racking
and my mum said that it was very coordinated
so um
great! i guess...
but the make-up was so uncomfortable!
oh my
i'm telling you
i am NEVER EVER going to wear make up
outside of dancing
especially lipstick man
so uncomfortable
wonder how my mum can stand it
i will go with the ALL NATURAL style
as if i ever had a style lah...
and Pastor Edmund's sermon was so so so funny
and very nice
but very taxing
and i had a very difficult time trying to get the mascara and all the other weird stuff
OFF my face

so today
he preached very well
and he preached in GB camp
the 'RELATING TO MY FATHER' workshop
so very familar with him already
i like what he say about GOD's unconditional love
"i am valuable cos i am loved by GOD"
very good
and touching
and jemima came today!
and AUNTY ANITA was giving away 2nd hand sec textbooks and some assesment books too
so i took alot from her
i'm doing her a favour by taking them
or else she'll have to lug them back home!
i even took A maths textbook
and 0 level chemistry quick notes
and some other good sec 3 and 4 books lah
good for advance reading

today ARSENAL is playing against liverpool at Anfield
i so hope they win
the last time they played there
they drawed 4-4
arshavin scored ALL four goals!
arshavin rules!
so since Walcott is back
arshavin and him will work out like magic
i hope lah
liverpool has not been having much luck or any luck at all so far

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